
Three Models of Transformative Law

By |April 24th, 2024|Theory|

Transformative Law Encounters In a previous post on the Transformative Private Law Blog, Martijn Hesselink calls “the idea of transformative private law a little scary”. The intuitive reason for Hesselink to be scared seems [...]

Urban commons, from Italy to Europe

By |July 21st, 2023|Property|

What should we do with abandoned spaces and facilities in the outskirts of our cities? How can we recover such spaces, while at the same time strengthening social cohesion in our neighbourhoods and citizens’ [...]

Time to Dial the Arbitrators

By |September 22nd, 2022|Sustainability|

The dispute settlement mechanism of the Energy Charter Treaty (‘ECT’) has been proving to be an obstacle for States in their quest to meet climate obligations. The ECT aims to ensure the protection of investments [...]

The Nature of Comparing

By |June 2nd, 2022|Property|

What do you think about when someone mentions the US State of Louisiana? Mardi gras, hurricanes, jazz and a Sazerac cocktail? Ask a comparative lawyer and they may respond that Louisiana is a Mixed Legal [...]

Transformative Property Law

By |November 2nd, 2020|Property|

Property’s transformative nature: Space mining, Airbnb, and Apartheid For the last few years, a new, innovative business model has been on the rise. It is called ‘space mining’ – digging for valuable resources in asteroids [...]

The Idea of Transformative Private Law

By |September 23rd, 2020|Theory|

During the recent Launch event of the Amsterdam Center for Transformative Private Law, we discussed the concept of Transformative Private Law. In what follows, I present the concept both as an analytical/critical project as well [...]

Reflections on Transformative Private Law

By |June 9th, 2020|Theory|

What is the meaning of ‘transformative private law’? Or what does membership of a research group that has chosen this name entail? Here are some reflections of a member of the newly launched Amsterdam Centre [...]