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Shareholder Primacy: A Promise Rather than a Barrier in Sustainability Transitions
In the United Kingdom (UK), institutional investors (pension funds and insurance companies) have sought to add climate-related shareholder proposals to the voting ballot at annual general meetings, with the aim to improve the sustainability strategy [...]
Three Models of Transformative Law
Transformative Law Encounters In a previous post on the Transformative Private Law Blog, Martijn Hesselink calls “the idea of transformative private law a little scary”. The intuitive reason for Hesselink to be scared seems [...]
Embedding checks and balances in steward ownership: The case of OpenAI
On November 17, OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman was fired by the board of directors of OpenAI. Speculations about what happened suggest that there was a separation in the company between the commercially-minded Altman on [...]
Industrial Policy for a Sustainable European Economy: Toward Ownership that Works for People
The text below was drafted as the conclusions of the Conference “Transformative Ownership in Times of Overlapping Crisis”, held in Amsterdam, 5-6 October 2023. We are preparing a longer white paper on the basis of [...]
Critical approaches in EU law – still a blindspot.
Why is the space for critical legal engagements within EU law so narrow, almost non-existant? Critical legal engagements openly question the underpinnings of EU legal thinking showing how its inner logics reproduce various forms of [...]
Urban commons, from Italy to Europe
What should we do with abandoned spaces and facilities in the outskirts of our cities? How can we recover such spaces, while at the same time strengthening social cohesion in our neighbourhoods and citizens’ [...]
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