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Who gets to bet on the future?
Cryptostatecraft and the return of Donald Trump to the White House ‘Voter anxiety over the economy and a desire for change returns Donald Trump to the White House,’ reads one of the many headlines [...]
The Housing Crisis Calls for a Different Right to Property
On 13th October, thousands of renters and allies marched through the streets of Madrid calling for a rent strike. PM Pedro Sánchez said in response to the protests: “I don’t want to live in a [...]
Deconstructing creative destruction as an underlying normative goal of IP law
The supposed neutrality of IP law The aim of intellectual property (IP) law is the promotion of innovation and creation (Menell et al., 2023). Normative theories justifying IP protection focus on defining the appropriate [...]
What Comes After ’Critique’?
‘Critique’ seems to have run out of steam, increasingly being reduced to a ritualized performative act. ‘Of course, I am critical’ one says and goes on with everyday practice. This is most visible in the [...]
Report on Expert Workshop: Assessing Collective Private Enforcement (CPE) in Data Protection Law
Introduction On 23 October 2024, the APPLIED project, led by Francesca Episcopo, Anna van Duin, and Jef Ausloos, hosted an expert workshop at the University of Amsterdam. APPLIED – Assessing Private Parties Litigation in the [...]
Sustainability and the public-private divide
Introduction Sustainability concerns such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and inequality are the defining issues of our time (Dyer 2024; Hickel 2020; Steffen et al. 2015). The relationship between these issues and human activities [...]
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