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How the EU Can Avoid Green Colonialism
Twenty years after its publication, the Manifesto for Social Justice in Contract Law’s call to “align the general principles of social justice that govern the market order with standards designed to protect public goods [...]
Private Law Fairness between Generations?
Distributive justice is an essential element of social justice. When discussing distributive justice in private law, one important question is: a fair distribution between whom? For example, is a consumer protection instrument that strengthens [...]
Digital Vulnerability as a Tool for Social Justice in European Private Law
The emerging paradigm of digital vulnerability In recent decades, the concept of vulnerability has emerged in many post-industrial societies to signify the growing fragility of human beings, economies, infrastructures, and ecosystems in the contemporary [...]
Reconceptualising the Social Dimension of Business Freedoms through a Fundamental Rights Lens
Introduction The balancing of economic and social rights and interests has provoked an almost perennial discussion within the context of the deepening and widening of European Union (EU) integration. In my forthcoming monograph, Business [...]
Protection of the ‘Vulnerable’ Consumers in the Age of Neurotechnology
Digital technology is being integrated into our daily lives and personal spheres and soon it will be part of our bodies. For instance, advancements in neurotechnology include brain imaging and the manipulation of brain [...]
The Commodity Form Theory of Law, Monopoly Capitalism and Transformative Private Law
Introduction Given the current intertwined ad multifaceted global crisis, and given the at best modest outcomes of private law in moderating deepening inequalities - despite the numerous and laudable efforts by scholars with different [...]
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